Machine Learning
Yesterday, I put some of the plumbing in place to eventually run a checkers game for one or two AIs. Specifically, the board is represented, the fundamentals of pieces are represented, and the system has a way, for any given…
Machine Learning
I’ve begun in earnest to build the Checkers AI, and right now for the most part that means plumbing. Before I even get to how this NN is going to work, I need to have the framework in place that…
Machine Learning
The one thing that was disappointing in the results of the Python Port of my NN was the time it took to learn the training set. I wasn’t sure what the reason was, and had speculated that it might have…
Machine Learning
As I mentioned, my checkers-playing AI is on hold until I have a few more viable tools available to do what’s necessary. However, since no matter what I do, I can’t stop thinking about the problem, it occurs to me…