Tom Bolton’s AI and Machine Learning Lab Notebook.


It is Accomplished

This weekend, I pushed a bunch of other stuff aside and managed to complete the game-play parallelization effort. It was definitely worth it. Before the refactoring, tensorflow was able to play about 3 games per second. Now it’s able to…

Refactoring Checkers

It’s a new year. I’m too busy, but now that the holiday craziness is over it’s time to hunker down and do what I decided: refactor my home-grown checkers game-playing mechanics to play games in parallel rather than sequentially. It…

Checkers (Sans AI) is Ready!

This morning, I completed the “plumbing” for checkers. Specifically, with all the game mechanics in place, I now have a framework that will allow two “players” (a red player and a black player) to play against each other ad infinitum…

Half Measures or Full Measures?

Yesterday, I put some of the plumbing in place to eventually run a checkers game for one or two AIs. Specifically, the board is represented, the fundamentals of pieces are represented, and the system has a way, for any given…