Machine Learning
Okay. Last post I wrote that it’s tricky to do a non-simplistic naive implementation of taking into account all the attempts. Actually, though, it’s not tricky at all, and when I originally thought about it weeks ago, I was so…
Machine Learning
It’s been a while since I posted anything here, and in fact, a good while since I worked on this project. Shortly after my last post, school started for the boys, and that’s always a bit of a transition. Also,…
Machine Learning
Note: This post is the ultimate result of my quest for how to do softmax backpropagation in my hand-coded model for this project. The actual math for softmax back propagation is not something that was specifically covered in my coursework….
Machine Learning
A couple of days ago, I got all the machinery of my network in place and did my first test. I decided that for starters, using a network I wasn’t even sure worked for a problem I’ve never tackled before…
Machine Learning
Having established in my previous post that softmax looks like the way to go for my final activation layer it’s time to think about the cost function. And this one is trickier. Hypothesis: Use Mean Squared Error Cost Function The…