Tom Bolton’s AI and Machine Learning Lab Notebook.

reinforcement learning

Machine Learning

I started the nano-degree over a year ago last year. The company I was working for at the time was in some dire straits and I had a lot going on so I dropped it back then. The company ended…

Machine Learning

I’ve taken quite a few ML/AI of courses on Coursera, and so far, Udacity is a very different experience. All of the Coursera material is covered by Andrew Ng himself in some fairly bare-bones videos with relatively low production values….

Machine Learning

That didn’t take long. A mere day after my last post where I laid out my upcoming plans for my model, I’ve thrown them out the window. Instead, it’s time to stop futzing around with anything to do with my…

Machine Learning

Having established in my previous post that softmax looks like the way to go for my final activation layer it’s time to think about the cost function. And this one is trickier. Hypothesis: Use Mean Squared Error Cost Function The…

Machine Learning

Back in this post I alluded to the fact that I hadn’t yet written out the approach I’m going to use to calculate costs not just for a single output as in Andrej Karpathy’s Pong from Pixels but from 48 outputs representing…